Outreach ServiceBoarding House Outreach Services (BHOS) supports residents and owners of general boarding houses in six Inner West Local Government Areas, including parts of the City of Sydney, the Inner West Council, Canterbury-Bankstown, Burwood, Canada Bay and Strathfield.
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Boarding House RoundtableThe Boarding House Roundtable is an initiative of the Neighbourhood Centre - a twice-yearly gathering of people who are interested in working together to improve the quality of boarding houses in the City of Sydney and Inner West Council areas. The Roundtable is convened by Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, and chaired by the CEO. 2023 sees the reconvening of the roundtable for the first time since early in COVID.
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Operator's ForumThis page contains resources aimed towards helping to keep tenancies sustainable, even in the face of difficult times, or strained relations between residents and hosts. There are resources for tenants, residents, landlords, real estate agents, and boarding house owners and operators. When there is an initiative that leads to engagement of the owner/operator/real estate community, notes and information will be posted here.
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Low Cost Accommodation ListNewtown Neighbourhood Centre produces a weekly Accommodation list for rental properties in the Inner West that are $350 or less per week, the list is updated every Wednesday.
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